You Are Not Going to Like This: The Honda Navi Is Insignificant

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I am about to share an unpopular opinion. so brace yourselves. If you do not like the title of this article, do not blame the messenger. When I first read about the Navi, I was so excited to hear the market would have a true motorcycle for under $2000. I could not wait to test it out. I would show friends, family, and coworkers pictures. No one seemed to care.

What Do My Peers Have to Say About the Honda Navi?

If you read Ari or Spurgeon's thoughts on the Navi, you are going to think it's time to go out and buy one right away. Although they believe the Navi will become a roaring success, I beg to differ. Navi is not going to experience any market success, and I will tell you why.

What Is My Opinion on the Navi?

Okay, I admit that I want one! I am shocked that Honda has put this one together for such a low price. I can't even build one for $1807, much less attempt to turn a profit. The Honda Navi is one of the cheapest motorcycles to come out in 2022.

Navi is as basic as they come. It has no ABS, just simple drum brakes. The electronic ignition means all you need to do is keep the carburetor clean, and that thing will crank right up every single time. If you fail to keep it pristine, all you have to do is clean out the bowl, poke the jets, and get her started.

The Honda Navi was originally meant to provide transportation to those in areas where cars are unattainable due to their price. Honda did not factor one thing into the equation. Although other countries consider them family vehicles, a motorcycle is not a solid form of transportation in America. It won't be considered that now or never. Motorcycles will never be a solid substitute for a car.

Why Is the Navi Going to Fail?

The people Honda is marketing the Navi to are not going to be interested in this form of transportation. They need a solid vehicle that will take them back and forth to work every day, despite the weather. The Navi is also not going to appeal to those who like riding motorcycles.

Motorcycles are an optional purchase and not a necessity. Motorcycle enthusiasts are not going to purchase the cheapest thing they can find. This fact drives home the point Lance and I have been attempting to make for a long time. In America, motorcycles are toys. There, I said it!

My Predictions

I wish Honda good luck on their Navi sales because they are going to need all they can get. I predict Honda only sells about 10,000 of these babies. But, I digress. Yes, Honda is going to sell some bikes to beginners who think it's a good starting point for a new hobby. People are not going to buy this bike as their primary source of transportation. Only time will tell, but I think this bike is gonna go down in scrap heap history.

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