Biker Patches


      Looking for biker patches? Look no further than American Legend Rider. Find cool embroidered biker patches with cool designs and fascinating messages. Perfect for your motorcycle vest or biker jacket.  Shop High-quality and cheap biker patches today!

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      Where to Find Biker Patches for Sale? has all the bold and high-quality biker apparel you could ever want. From custom biker patches to accent your leather and cheap biker patches that will keep your biker spirit alive and well. With a wide variety of cheap motorcycle patches for sale, including embroidered biker patches and sew on biker patches, we have something for every free spirit—those who love to feel the sun on their face and see the road flying by beneath their boots.

      What Are Biker Patches?

      Motorcycle patches for a vest or jacket are a message that tells the world which club you belong to. When you wear a club's colors, you say to the world that you are a part of something larger than yourself and that you have a band of brothers behind you to back you up when necessary. Motorcycle patches show the club's name and logo and state the central location or area the club controls.

      However, you can also add any other biker jacket patches that you enjoy, are humorous, or tell the world something about your personality. This style of the patch for motorcycle vests are considered "unofficial," and if you are part of a sanctioned club, they should never be placed directly on the vest's back, which is traditionally saved for your club's colors.

      What Types of Material Are Motorcycle Patches Made From?

      Typically, biker jacket patches are from either denim or cotton. However, there are several different styles of patches varying in cost and quality. You can find cheap biker patches that have 50% embroidery and are usually applied with an iron. The best and most durable style is sew-on biker patches. The cheap patches that consist of 50% or less embroidery are the most affordable, and most have simple designs or text.

      The most common type of embroidered motorcycle vest patches is 75% embroidery patches. They are ideal for any design or text of moderate difficulty and detail, with the image taking up most of the patch and only 50% or less of the background showing.

      The best and highest quality patch are the ones with 100% embroidery. The high number of embroidery threads allow for greater intricacy and details within the designs. Though 100% embroidery style is the best quality, every patch should have either an adhesive backing to allow for an iron-on application or an embroidered edge to allow for easy sewing. The embroidery colors should be bright and vivid, and it should have a lining between the back of the patch and the embroidered design for more durability.

      What do Biker Patches Mean?

      Traditionally, MC patches usually have hidden meanings and significance that might not always be immediately obvious. It's a good idea to understand exactly what you're putting on your biker cut because, in the biker world, they are considered messages that say something about you and where you belong. Merely applying patches for motorcycle vests does not automatically make you a member of a club, though. For instance, you should never put on motorcycle club patches for an association or organization for which you aren't a member. It's considered incredibly disrespectful.

      Motorcycle vest patches can also signify the charities you support or your interests. For example, if you go on a charity biker run, you are usually given a patch at the end to show that you supported the cause. One of the most well-known biker charity runs is the annual Sturgis ride, which has over half a million riders and usually generates about 700 million dollars in revenue for various charities.

      MC patches also can have no meaning at all, and you can have embroidered patches or sew on biker patches to declare to the world that you "Live to Ride" or that "Loud Pipes Save Lives." No matter which style of vest biker patch or jacket patch you choose, they're a great way to express something about yourself while spending time doing what you love: riding your bike on the wide-open road!

      One-Piece MC Patch

      A one-piece style motorcycle vest patch means the organization is fully recognized and sanctioned by the American Motorcycle Association. Typically, this consists of any social riding clubs or family clubs. The one-piece patches are for people who simply love to ride and don't require strict membership obligations to wear them. The patch usually consists of the club's logo within a large circle, and the bikers who wear this patch style consider themselves part of the 99%ers, which will be explained a little further down.

      Two Patches

      The two-piece vest patch is similar to the three-piece patch but a little less ordinary. Usually, clubs with the two-piece biker patch are affiliates or close partners with a larger association, one that proudly displays the three-piece patch with a central logo and two crescents. Wearing the two-piece patch signifies support of the larger, dominant club, or they could be in the process of being accepted into the club.

      Three-Piece Patches

      The most common motorcycle vest patch style is the three-piece patch, also known as the fugitive patch style. A center image represents the club's primary logo, with two crescents, called rockers, above and below the center logo.

      The top rocker is the club name, the center logo will have the club colors and their official symbol, and the bottom rocker will have the name of the chapter or the area of the country they control. The three-piece patch style is called "colors" by bikers, and they have to be earned by each member of the club. Official MC biker patches are never just given out indiscriminately to any person who wants to join.  

      Typically, the motorcycle clubs with three patches are called 1%ers, but they usually aren't recognized by the American Motorcycle Association. In fact, a club can only have the three-piece style of biker vest patches if they are the leading club in the area stated on the bottom rocker or if they have been sanctioned by the club that is the dominant organization in the area.

      When you see biker vest patches with the upper and lower rocker and no large center logo, this is the style worn by probationary club members who have yet to earn their center logo patch. Once they fulfill the membership requirements, they will be given the central patch and become a full-fledged member. Every biker sworn in to become a "full-patch" member is proud to show their colors and tell the world they belong.

      What Does the Term 1%er Mean?

      The term 1%er goes back to a statement made by the AMA. They stated that 99% of the motorcycle riders in America were law-abiding citizens. Any biker who considers themselves a 1%er is proud to call themselves an outlaw, and part of that particular 1% that does not follow traditional laws and rules. The 1%er patches are proudly worn by bikers who consider themselves a rebel and don't follow average society's rules and norms. However, they are also worn by seedier motorcycle gangs whose members are violent criminals, drug dealers, or both. The 1% refers to the small percentage of bikers who love to challenge and defy traditional laws and the people who abide by them.

      Shoulder and Arm Patches

      Since the back of a leather bike jacket usually only has anywhere from one to three motorcycle club patches, that leaves plenty of room on the shoulders and arms for other MC patches. These literally can be any design, but some popular choices are American flags, emblems for military service, or patriotic patches that signify pride the wearer has for their country.

      However, the shoulders and arms are the best places to put any other patch you want, whether it's humorous or tells the world something about your unique personality and character. These shoulder and arm patches are sometimes known as "support gear" that other friends or affiliates of the club, but not actual members, will wear to signify their support.

      How to choose the best biker patches

      Consider Biker Patch Rules and Etiquette

      Every bike club or organization has a strict set of guidelines that all members must follow. A motorcycle club's primary patches must be worn on the back of a leather vest with the sleeves cut off, called a biker cut. One of the most crucial rules to remember is NEVER touching the motorcycle club patches of another member. Members of an official MC club have to go through rigorous tests and obligations to earn their colors, and somebody else touching them signifies disrespect.

      A non-member is never allowed to wear the club's colors unless it's by a female passenger. Another club member would know better than to ask to put on someone else's vest or jacket. One rule is for when someone loses their membership. In that case, they must leave the patches behind when they lose their official status. This is called surrendering the club's colors and is a part of every club's basic requirements for members.

      Motorcycle Vest Patches Will Express Your Inner Biker

      If you're one of the millions of Americans who love to ride on a motorcycle, you know how important it is to have a leather jacket or vest when you ride. Leather helps protect skin from the pavement and makes a great surface upon which to apply any number of patches, whether they signify the club you proudly belong to or are simply a humourous statement that shows your personality and character. Biker patches are great for expressing your inner free spirit and the rebel within you that bucks against society's norms and, most of all, loves to ride!

      Shop high quality and cheap biker patches today!