If you have any inquiries, you may send an email to support@americanlegendrider.com. However, for a quicker and more efficient response, we recommend using our chat feature. Our team is readily available to assist you with any concerns or questions you may have. So, don't hesitate to reach out to us via chat for a prompt and satisfactory resolution.
Open: Monday - Friday
When you place an order, you have 24 hours to contact our customer service team and request a cancellation or modification. After 24 hours, we’ve already started working on your order and it will be too late to make any changes.
To cancel an order, please provide all the details concerning the item/s you want to cancel as well as your order number.
To modify an order, please include the order number, style, size, and color, then specify the item you would like to exchange it for in your email and we’ll do our best to make it happen.
Yes. American Legend Rider complies with the highest level of Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards to establish trust with all our customers.What type of payments do you accept?Our current payment options are as follows: Paypal, Mastercard, Visa, American Express and AfterPay
All our prices are in American dollars.
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At American Legend Rider, We believe that looking your best doesn't have to be expensive. Our line of fashion-forward clothing is made to last, and it's available at a fraction of the cost of other brands. Plus, our clothes are designed to keep you looking sharp no matter what the season. Join us and start shopping for the latest in fashion!